ExperienceEditor.JS error in EE for Sitecore 8.0

This article is only valid for Sitecore 8.0 and below. 


Steps to reproduce error

  1. Install Score 3.1.5 to a Sitecore 8.0 update 3 application. 
  2. Login to Sitecore and try to open any page in Experience Explorer

Expected behavior 

Experience Explorer loads correctly. 

Actual behavior

Experience Explorer never loads. This is what you get in broswer:

Developer console throws this error:


This is because ..\Website\sitecore\shell\client\Sitecore\ExperienceEditor\Commands\ShowXPerience.js requires ExperienceEditor.js or ExperienceEditorProxy.js which are only available Sitecore 8.1+.

Updated ShowXPerience.js and stub.js are attached here

Note: you will still get this error in the Dev console but that just means that ShowXPerience.js could not find ExperienceEditor.js. EE loads correctly.