Add New Search Folders On Tenant Website

  1. Add Search Facets (/sitecore/templates/Score/Content Search/Site Shared Facet Folder) folder to all Tenant Websites.
    NOTE: This folder is part of Content items and it should be added/serialized to TDS.Master.Content project to keep track of it (only this folder, not it's children).
  2. Add Search Results Styles (Template: /sitecore/templates/ScoreUI/Base/Selection Folders/Search Results Styles) folder to all Tenants Selections folders.
    1. Add One ColumnValue: one-column, Text: 1 Column
    2. Add Two ColumnValue: two-column, Text: 2 Columns 
    3. Add Three ColumnValue: three-column, Text: 3 Columns
    4. Add Four ColumnValue: four-column, Text: 4 Columns
  3. Add Search Box Styles (Template: /sitecore/templates/ScoreUI/Base/Selection Folders/Search Box Styles) folder to all Tenants Selections folders