Clear Multisite Roots for Shared Content Action


The action clears all multisite shared content folders in the "Select a Datasource" dialog.


1) Create a new rule "Add Multisite Shared Folder" under /sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Component Datasource Location/Rules
This rule condition is always true therefore red folder will be displayed in the "Select a Datasource" dialog.

2) Create a new rule "Clear Multisite Shared Folders if Content Spot"

This rule will override the rule "Add Multisite Shared Folder" for Content Spots therefore a red folder won't be displayed in the "Select a Datasource" dialog.

4) Create a new page and/or open the page in the Page Editor (e.g. scoretest-content-page)

5) Let's see how both rules "Add Multisite Shared Folder" and  "Clear Multisite Shared Folders if Content Spot" work together

5.1) Add new Content Spot rendering to the page to display "Select the Associated Content" dialog

You will find that there is no any red folder (multisite shared content folder) because of the "Clear Multisite Shared Folders if Content Spot" rule

5.2) Add new Document Header rendering to the page to display "Select the Associated Content" dialog

You will find that there is a red folder because of "Add Multisite Shared Folder" rule.