SCORE v1.5

Recent Version:

The biggest feature of SCORE 1.5 is full support for Sitecore 8.0.

If you are using SCORE 1.5 with Sitecore 8.0 Updae 1 or 2 please be aware of a known issue with the SPEAK ribbon and use the workaround offered by the Sitecore Support team. If you are using Update 3 or newer you don't need to do anything.

  • [Feature]: SCORE-319. Ability to switch between Shared and Versioned (aka Final) layouts (presentation details) when editing in Experience Editor (TBD - post a YouTube video link)
  • [Feature]: SCORE-411: Change all Single Line Text field in SCORE and SCORE Bootstrap UI components to use Raw Text field that behaves just like the Single Text but also support arbitrary markup (e.g. ©, (TM), (R), etc.)
  • [Feature]: SCORE-345. All Page Editor ribbon extensions (Duplicate, Copy To, Edit Meta Data, Manage Scripts, Manage Keywords, Edit Menu Information) now work in SPEAK-enabled Experience Editor.
  • [Feature]: SCORE-225. Refactor cascading placeholders and annotations (aka sticky notes) to use new page fields introduced by the SCORE's Page Base. This architecture performs better and has no interference from layout manipulations. It also nicely integrates with the new final layouts in Sitecore 8. 

    If you have used cascades or sticky notes with SCORE 1.3 and 1.4 you will need to use a migration script to move metadata from where it used to be stored prior to 1.5. 

    Please contact

  • [Feature]: SCORE-380. SCORE UI Layer was extracted from SCORE Bootstrap UI to stimulate reuse and enforce implementation patterns across various component layers (e.g. the upcoming SCORE Foundation UI as well as custom component layers built by SCORE clients)

    • New Rendering Parameter templates for Score UI components: Accordion, Lead, Content Spot, Tab Set

    • New "Highlight Header" field added to the Score UI Highlight datasource item template.

  • [Feature]: SCORE-405: SCORE configuration "commit" endpoint should also process Web.config files under /Areas/*/Views
  • [Fix]: SCORE-103: Google API keys should be global settings, not site parameters (see more here)
  • [Fix]: SCORE-305: Script tag stripped out on the Scripts fields if modified in Page Editor (ported over from 1.4.25)
  • [Fix]: SCORE-369: Pages that have item names that match Sitecore Query axes (e.g. childancestordescendant. etc.) break the Page Editor ribbon (ported over from 1.4.26)
  • [Fix]: SCORE-371: Custom control (dialog) that allows editing SCORE's Geo Location field was not moving the pointer on the map after google places auto-complete search due to a JS error. It's really a conflict with an older version of prototype.js that appeared in Sitecore starting with 7.2 Update 3 as well as in 7.5 and 8. More details on the issue can be found here. Fixed by upgrading the google maps API to a latest stable v3 version.
  • [Fix]: SCORE-312. Link dialog customizations allows to store OnClick handler and No Follow settings but doesn't render it back on subsequent opening of the dialog. Saving the link again will erase previously specified OnClick / No Follow setting.

    As part of the fix we also disabled the SPEAK dialog overrides to bring back the original XML dialogs. One reason to doing so was a known issue in Sitecore 8 where the link dialog would write "Active Browser" value into the link's target attribute (details)

  • [Fix]: SCORE-363: Page Meta Data rendering would sometimes duplicate the <meta> description and og:description. After the fix there will always be one <meta> description and one og:description and the two will display the same thing with open graph value taking precedence if defined
  • [Fix]: SCORE-393: Datasource classes should be able to "withstand" a non-published / missing datasource Item when rendering in Normal mode. After this commit, when datasource classes are instantiated with a null Item object, the constructor simply returns without trying to read the Item's fields, preventing a null reference exception.

Component DOM class changes

Component DOM classes have been normalized for naming consistency. The following DOM classes have been re-named:

  • 1.4 class name1.5 class name




  • [Fix]: SCORE-448: Cascading placeholders stopped working in Sitecore 7. Fixed in
  • [Fix]: SCORE-426: Changing the snippet context during editing/preview (aka Alternate Snippet Context) wasn't putting the page context back. As a result it was not possible to put the snippet back into its original context or modify its presentation when running in context of another item

  • [Feature]: Support for Sitecore 8.0 Update 3 (rev. 150427)

  • [Fix]: SCORE-468: Re-cascading a placeholder results in a duplication of both placeholders - one from the origin and one that was re-cascades. The expected behavior is to only cascade a placeholder with the same name for the closest ancestor. 
  • [Fix]: SCORE-466: JavaScript errors in the browser console when adding new rendering to a placeholder. The errors were not causing any functional damage or otherwise affecting the user experience but were annoying and could potentially cause confusion. 
  • [Fix]: SCORE-429: Add new rendering dialog was "skewed" in Sitecore 7. It was fully functional but just didn't look exactly right. 
  • [Fix]: A Tab Set style variance drop down on the rendering parameters was using a wrong field type (Droplist vs. Droplink)

  • [Fix]: SCORE-491: Only deploy SCORE installation service upon NuGet package install if it's not been previously installed
  • [Fix]: SCORE-492: Score.Custom.Pipelines.Editor.RunPlaceholderSettingsRules processor may add null to args.PlaceholderRenderings. Pipelines up the chain will stumble upon it. Now our actions are more defensive and only add a not-null rendering items. The issue as described would surface if a placeholder settings rule referred to a rendering that has been deleted.

  • [Fix]: SCORE-326: Adjust the tabbed Select Rendering dialog to better work with long lists of grouped renderings. Tabs will now nicely wrap into multiple lines if not enough real estate to render everything in a single tab strip.

  • [Feature]: SCORE-500: Extend Panel datasource item with Anchorable so that component layers (e.g. SCORE Bootstrap UI) could support deep linking for collection components (e.g. Tab Set)

  • [Feature]: Support for Sitecore 8.0 Update 4
  • [Feature]: Extend datasource location rules to support creating folders of custom types (e.g. if a content architecture needs more than page local, site shared, and multisite shared content)
  • [Feature]: Extend datasource location rules to support query syntax (e.g. content-site:query:./*[@@templateid = '{...}')

  • [Fix]: Update rendering parameter name for background styles

  • [Feature]: Support for Sitecore 8.0 Update 5

  • [Feature]: Support for Sitecore 7.2 Update 5 and Sitecore 8.0 Update 6
  • [Fix]: SCORE-506: Fix the permission issue on the Shared Layout button to allow content authors switch to it. In previous versions of SCORE 1.5 Shared Layout button was created with permissions that required Sitecore Developer role.

  • [Fix]: SCORE-712: Editing Shared layout on standard values (or on page items that are based on templates with no __Standard Values item) results in "404 layout not found" in Sitecore 8 Update 6. This is due to the fix that Sitecore applied to handling of standard values in Experience Editor to ensure proper delta calculation on their end. We now needed to account for it in the SCORE's feature that supports Shared layout modifications via Experience Editor. This particular SCORE defect (and the fix for it) only applies to Sitecore 8.0 Update 6. Users of earlier versions of 8.0 are not affected.

  • [Fix]: SCORE-717 StyleBox component fails (ArgumentNullException) if it contains link to background image missing in database.

  • [Fix]: SCORE-789 Generic Link does not support subject for mailto: links

  • [Fix]: NamedAnchor partial view contains rogue "invisible" character that causes spacing issues when rendered on a web page

  • [Fix]: SCORE-818 Treelist experiences trouble when using values with '&' character

  • [Fix]: SCORE-847 SSL Field name should be "Require SSL" in SCORE 1.5

  • [Feature]: SCORE-896 Allow to copy-paste Video URLs in Youtube field

  • [Feature]: SCORE-840 Navigation components should not render links to items that do not exist in the current language
  • [Feature]: SCORE-986: Make Redirect Page non shared to have better multi-language support.
  • [Fix]: SCORE-942: Add handling of an empty device layout.; Condition RenderingsWithinPlaceholderCount should not fail if layout is empty 

  • [Feature]: SCORE-1021 GeoLocation field should use PlaceId instead of reference
  • [Fix]: SCORE-1020 Youtube field should support HTTPS 

  • [Fix]: SCORE-1200 Clean up Youtube Component's Datasource 

  • [Fix]: Page Meta Description fix for Open Graph tags