Custom Field Types

BrainJocks SCORE(TM) adds a number of custom field types that are useful for basic content renderings. These are by design very generic field types, and this library will grow over time with pull from customers to expose functionality related to different content providers.

Account Field
The Account field is used to select and store a list of selected users and / or roles within the Sitecore membership.

The value stored within the field is a pipe delimited list of user name and "type" values - which are combined and separated by a ^ caret.


Raw Text Field
BrainJocks SCORE includes a very simple field that's extremely useful - the raw text field. Raw text fields behave like normal single line text fields within the Sitecore page / visual experience editor - but also allow the editor to embed Raw HTML (markup) into the field value where necessary.

GeoLocation Field
The GeoLocation field will store a lat / long value to reference a geographic location.

The location lookup will come from Google Maps, but can be used by renderings of other map providers if desired. Ultimately, the field value is just a lat / long, but if the location has a special "Google Places" key value, that is also stored.

YouTube Video Field
The YouTube Video Field is a custom field that stores a YouTube video ID within it. It is attached to a custom UX that allows the selection of the video by searching YouTube directly.

Kaltura Video Field
The Kaltura Video Field is a custom field that stores a Kaltura video ID within it. It is attached to a custom UX that allows the selection of the video by searching Kaltura directly.

Vimeo Video Field
The Vimeo Video Field is a custom field that stores a Vimeo video ID within it. It is attached to a custom UX that allows the selection of the video by searching Vimeo directly.

Brightcove Video Field
The Brightcove Video Field is a custom field that stores a Brightcove video ID within it. It is attached to a custom UX that allows the selection of the video by searching Brightcove directly.

Simple Color Field
The Simple Color Field is a field and associated controls to allow the selection of a color from a fixed palette of color options provided for the field.

Custom TreeList Field
The Custom Treelist Field is a page editor friendly extensions to the Sitecore Treelist field that adds some functionality useful for multi-tenant websites.

Notably, the Custom Treelist Field allows for the use of a query to find the root of the tree.

Picture Field
The Picture Field is a custom field that allows a content author to upload a single image, select a focal point, and crop different sizes of that image. The Picture field leverages HTML5 srcset attribute to deliver the responsive images.

Picture Field
The Picture Field is a custom field that allows a content author to upload a single image, select a focal point, and crop different sizes of that image. The Picture field leverages HTML5 srcset attribute to deliver the responsive images.

Checkbox field

Sitelist field