XML Sitemap Generator

If your project has a requirement to generate an XML sitemap within Sitecore, this functionality has been defined within SCORE to handle that scenario.

What it Does

The XML Sitemap generator within SCORE includes the introduction of a new pipeline within Sitecore.  The pipeline, generateScoreXmlSitemap includes a set of processors to handle the most common sitemap generation steps.

Because it is a pipeline, it is also possible for you to insert new processors, or replace / remove processors from the pipeline to customize how it works.


Using the XML Sitemap generator involves 3 steps - 

  1. Configure your <site> definition with some required parameters
  2. Add an event handler to "kick-off" the sitemap generation
  3. Inspect the pre-defined pipeline processors and add / remove any processors that meet your requirements

Read more about the usage and configuration required for the XML Sitemap Generator at XML Sitemap Usage and Configuration


Check robots.txt transformations to see how to generate dynamic sitemap links in robots.txt file.