Rendering Compatibility Rules


Rendering Compatibility Rules are used in getChromeData pipeline to manage compatible renderings list for the current rendering.

compiled web.config
		<processor type="Score.Custom.Pipelines.Editor.RunCompatibleRenderingRules, Score.Custom" patch:source="zzScore.Pipelines.config"/>

RunCompatibleRenderingRules processor executes rules under "/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Rendering Compatibility/Rules" folder.

Rule Definitions

Rendering Compatibility Rules definitions are under "/sitecore/system/Settings/Rules/Definitions/Elements/Rendering Compatibility" folder.

Custom Conditions

Rendering Compatibility has only one condition:

Custom Actions

Rendering Compatibility has 2 actions:

Rule Scaffolding

Updates compatible renderings list for the rendering according rules specified for that rendering. Removes 'replace with another component' button from rendering's chrome menu If rendering's compatible list is empty.