Adding SCORE, SCORE UI, and SCORE Bootstrap UI to a Visual Studio Solution

  • If you used the solution scaffolding template you already have a .nuget/NuGet.config that will bring the BrainJocks SCORE feed to your package manager console

  • If you haven't used the scaffolding template or you're running Visual Studio 2012 you may need to add the NuGet feed manually.
  • Use NuGet package manager to pick the version you need (read more about Score Versions)
  • We recommend that you always manage your NuGet packages on the solution as it clearly shows what projects use what dependencies

Adding a SCORE NuGet package will run a powershell script that will deploy .update packages into your local sitecore sandbox.

SCORE NuGet packages come with a built-in powershell script that will install required *.update packages into the local Sitecore provided that TDS.Master project is properly configured. SCORE expects that it follows the following convention:

  • TDS.Master project is in the solution's root folder
  • TDS.Master is named following the pattern of <Solution>.TDS.Master where Solution is the name of your solution (e.g. MySite.TDS.Master)
  • TDS.Master has a local build profile (we usually call it Sandbox and that's how you will have it if you use provided scaffolding instruments)
  • The mentioned local build profile will have SitecoreWebUrl (usually follows a pattern of http://yoursolution) and SitecoreDeployFolder (usually is a ./sandbox in your solution root) configured. The script will parse our TDS.Master.scproj to find out where exactly your local Sitecore is
  • There should only be one project in a solution that matches a pattern of *.TDS.Master.

You can read more about our approach to setting up and scaffolding Visual Studio studio solution structure.

If your project structure fails some of the script's expectations the packages won't be installed and you would need to do so manually. You can always find SCORE's *.update artifacts under ./packages in your solution root: