2.0 to 2.1 Migration Troubleshooting

GetHtmlAttributeForLink() method is not defined

Source File: xxx\Website\Areas\ScoreBootstrapUI\Views\Shared\Content\Buttons\_ImageButton.cshtml    Line: 28 

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Compiler Error Message: CS1061: 'Score.BootstrapUI.Web.Areas.ScoreBootstrapUI.Models.Content.Buttons.ImageButtonRenderingModel' does not contain a definition for 'GetHtmlAttributesForLink' and no extension method 'GetHtmlAttributesForLink' accepting a first argument of type 'Score.BootstrapUI.Web.Areas.ScoreBootstrapUI.Models.Content.Buttons.ImageButtonRenderingModel' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Source Error:

Line 26:         Model.RenderingParameters.HideActionMessages
Line 27:     },
Line 28:     Model.GetHtmlAttributesForLink(),
Line 29:     "a"))
Line 30:     {


This issue happens if Areas/ScoreBootstrapUI/Views/web.config is not updated. Please check that file in your server. You can see old version of that file with name web.config with new version of file is sitting in the same folder with different name. That is standard Sitecore behavior for *.config files in *.update package. Sitecore expects that Administrator goes into files and "activate" every changed file manually.

Please see http://jockstothecore.com/update-config-love/ article for more details.

Please "activate" web.config file manually to solve the issue.