Workflow Approval Configuration

By default, Sitecore allows the editor to approve the page in Experience Editor. However, if the page has multiple datasources in the workflow the editor must go to Workflow Inbox and approve them separately.

When component datasource workflow is enabled, SCORE provides a capability to approve the page together with all or some of the datasource items depending on configuration from Experience Editor.

Steps to configure Approve with Datasource capability:

  1. Identify any custom workflows you have attached to page types that should have the capability to 'Approve with Datasource' Items
  2. Find State where 'Approve with Datasource' Command needs to be added
  3. Add 'Approve with Datasource' Command:
    1. Right click on State: Insert->Command->Enter name 'Approve with Datasource' - (or any other name you prefer)
    2. Specify 'Next Step' for this command 
  4.  Add 'Approve Datasources' Action
    1. Right click on 'Approve with Datasource' Command: Insert->Action->Enter name 'Approve Datasources' - or any other name 
    2. Specify 'Type string': Score.Custom.Handlers.ApproveWithDatasource, Score.Custom
  5. Specify 'Parameters': ContentType=Page|Site|MultiSite 

    ContentType can have any combination of Page, Site and MultiSite values combined with the pipe symbol '|'.
    Depending on this setting correspondent types of datasources will be approved along with Page.

    If ContentType is not set up default value is ContentType=Page|Site|MultiSite

Once 'Approve with Datasource' capability is configured for pages that are in workflow the editor will see similar message as below. It will have custom actions and SCORE 'Approve with Datasource' Action. Clicking on this action the page and all or some datasources depending on configuration will be approved/moved to next workflow state.